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A Modest Little Home Design Studio

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And Here’s Our Curated Little Home Design Blog

Where you’ll find design insight & novel ideas for your small spaces!

Feature Post

Style Curation

CU·RATE /ˌkyŏoˈrāt,ˈkyŏoˌrāt/

Select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition). Select, organize, and present (online content, merchandise, information, etc.), typically using professional or expert knowledge.

Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

The Kirk Home

So this is the first of 2 projects I’m super proud of completing in this home. I’m calling it “The Biggest Kitchen Ever!” No seriously. This bad boy was HUGE and gorgeous! We’re talking alllll the heart eyes for all those big beautiful cabinets! My clients had 42-inch uppers, an island, PLUS a bank of cabinets on the wall parallel to the island. Fifty door and drawer fronts in all. Cabinets 👏🏾 For 👏🏾 Dayyyyyys. Buckle up buttercup, we’re diving right in!

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Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

Keatha B’s Kitchen

Sometimes it’s about working with what you’ve got. It’s not your forever home so you don’t want to sink a lot of money into aesthetics. I get it! But a little can go a long way when you work with what you’ve got and this kitchen proves it!

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Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

Becky J’s Kitchen

Client referrals are the BEST! And how I’ve gotten most of my business thus far. In fact, if I remember correctly it’s how I met Becky. We have a mutual friend, Nurse Tara, for whom I had done some CAD work for her small addition. One day Nurse brought her into the EPIC Center where I was working at the time, to show her around because she was interested in volunteering. I ended up showing her some of my work and she was like, “Girrrrrl, COME OVER!” So, I did and this is what I saw…

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Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

Miss Deborah’s Kitchen

This kitchen was a real beauty and its loving owner is a beauty as well —inside and out 🤗. Check her out and her cute comfortable style! Oh, the difference a little paint can make. Love you, Miss Deborah!

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Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

The Pullins Kitchen

“Yep, that’s the look, sissy!” My second client since starting my studio said at her idea board reveal meeting, which made me feel like I did when seeing that bold A+ on a midterm design assignment back in college. She is one of my dearest friends and indeed like a big sister. I was so eager to do her project…

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Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

Small House Charm

Soooo, New Bern, North Carolina is not the kind of town I envisioned myself settling into. I’m a city girl! My favorite being our nation’s capital, Washington DC; BUT ☝🏾, we all know how events in one’s life and or the God of the Bible can lead you into…

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Agape' Adams Agape' Adams

Design Vocab

I say it takes a good designer to turn these words: Form, Shape, Color, Texture, Light, Proportion, Scale, Balance, Harmony, Unity & Variety, Rhythm, and Emphasis—also known as the elements of design into a home!

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Small Space Design Agape' Adams Small Space Design Agape' Adams

Meet… The Little House

Well, not as she is but as she will be! Just wait until she’s all redone!!! She’s only about 575 square feet!!! If you haven’t already surmised how much I looove small spaces… let me take a brief moment to state for alllll the records that I absolutely do!

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From the author photo

From the author…

“Thank you for checking out this little corner of the world-wide-webiverse! I hope you found some inspiration for your small space while you were here. For this is just the place to help you curate your style! I believe all your design and style dreams can fit into your little abode. Do remember… a beautiful space simply makes your world a better place!”

❤️ Agapé

— Principal designer & founder of Novel Shop Design

Little houses graphic
Psalm 52:8 Thriving olives graphic